Unmaned Underwater Robot of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuliding: design,simiulation and control
点击数:510     发布日期:2019-11-20     发布部门:科技处     主图:     视频:     摄影:

报告题目Unmaned Underwater Robot of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuliding: design,simiulation and control


报告人简介:Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,Highly qualified specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies, underwater robotics: design, application.Head of Maritime Laboratory «Delta».Head of Computer Technologies and Information Security DepartmentOver 12 years of R&D and teaching experience.190+ publications: Scientific Articles - 51 (8 in Scopus), Monographs 4, Conference Theses - 120+, also patents and educational publications.Scientific director of 1 R&D project, Executive in charge of 8 R&D projects,Executive of 4 R&D projects

