报告1题目:Harnessing Energy from the Oceans 报告2题目:Global Marine Technology Trends, Drivers and Challenges
点击数:152     发布日期:2024-03-25     发布部门:科学技术研究院     主图:     视频:     摄影:

报告1题目:Harnessing Energy from the Oceans

报告2题目:Global Marine Technology Trends, Drivers and Challenges

报告人姓名:Atilla Incecik


Prof. Atilla Incecik is Professor of Offshore Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.  During the last sixteen years he served as the Head of Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, and Associate Principal and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Professor Incecik’s research activities include the development of hydrodynamic design and analysis tools and model testing of marine and offshore engineering systems, including marine renewable energy devices. Professor Incecik was the Research Manager of Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE) and is a Chair Professor at Zhejiang University. Professor Incecik served the Editor-in-Chief of Ocean Engineering Journal during the last 17 years. In 2019 Professor Incecik was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Chalmers University of Technology in recognition of his research on green shipping and environmental sustainability.



